Tip The Scales
Guitar Pro Tab | v5.10
| Posted on Feb. 20, 2012, 4:35 p.m.
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Guitar Pro Tab Summary
Siren Song of the Counter Culture
Song Author
Tim McIlrath
File Size
101 KB
Are we so a-lone,
So dis-tant,
So for-got-ten,
As we think our-selves to be?
These are our lifes
But did they e-ver e-ven mat-ter?
Are we worth re-mem-be-er-ing?
These ma-chines feed on the tears of bro-ken lifes and dy-ing dre-eams
We�re throw-ing wren-ches in the gears
Our lifes will not be lived in va-ain
When this is all said a-and done
We spent this life on the-e run
Judged by the com-pa-ny we keep
Our lang-uage, bu-ried i-in-side
These lungs that keep us a-a-live
We breathe so sel-fish-ly
Pro-mi-ses we plan to break
Are made in whis-pered voi-ces
Cause our de-spair knows ma-ny names
We make mis-takes
But we a-pol-o-gize with ro-ses we ne-ver stop to smell on the way
These ma-chines feed on the tears of bro-ken lifes and dy-ing dre-eams
We�re throw-ing wren-ches in the gears
Our lifes will not be lived in va-ain
When this is all said a-and done
We spent this life on the-e run
Judged by the com-pa-ny we keep
Our lang-uage, bu-ried i-in-side
These lungs that keep us a-a-live
We breathe so sel-fish-ly
We fell from the sky to-day
We melt in-to ba-alls of clay
We sell our-selves ev-e-ry da-ay
Do-on�t te-ell me how to li-ive thi-is way
Pushed so far to the edge
We tee-ter just on the brink
You can lead me to the blood-bath
But you can�t make me drink
As these ma-chines feed on the tears of bro-ken lifes and dy-ing dreams
We�re throw-ing wren-ches in the gears
Our lifes will not be lived in vain
My life will not be lived in vain